Governing Documents



The Constitution is the sacrosanct governing document of the Undergraduate Student Government, outlining the most fundamental, important, and unbreakable rules and laws of USG and the undergraduate Student Association. Following Fall 2021, the Constitution may only be amended by supermajority approval of the undergraduate Student Association in a Constitutional Referendum.


The By-Laws govern the day-to-day operations of Undergraduate Student Government, specifying, with greater detail than the Constitution, many procedures to be followed within USG. The By-Laws are enforceable and binding to USG members, but are considered subordinate to the Constitution. They are regularly amended by the College Council with supermajority approval for various reasons

Meeting Minutes

Meeting minutes serve as a record of the proceedings and decisions made during a meeting of the undergraduate student government. They provide a written account of the topics discussed, decisions made, and any action items assigned to specific individuals. The purpose of meeting minutes is to ensure that all members of the student government are informed about the decisions made during the meeting and to provide a reference document for future planning and decision making.