Final Exam Scheduling

Preserving Necessary Study Time

A project to ensure final exams are scheduled properly.

University of Chicago’s College Council launched a project to ensure all final exams are scheduled correctly and in alignment with University policy. Students who find that their instructors have scheduled an exam outside of the official time allotted to them on the Final Exam Schedule can submit a report by sending an email to their Academic Advisor.

How To Correct Final Exam Scheduling



Check When Your Exam Is Scheduled

  • Every course is given a specific time for a final exam by the University Registrar

  • Many instructors choose to schedule finals outside of this time — even prior to finals week

  • Compare the time given by your instructor to the official time allowed by the Registrar



Report Rogue Exam Schedules

  • A final exam scheduled outside of the official time violates University policy

  • Send an email to your Academic Advisor with the time for which your instructor has scheduled the final and the official time given by the Registrar

  • When possible, include documentation



Study For Your Properly-Scheduled-Final

  • Your Academic Advisor will forward the report to the Office of the Dean of Students in the College

  • Administrators will contact your instructor to correct the exam time — without revealing your identity to anyone in your Department or Program

  • Take your final exam at the official time

Are all final exams eligible for reporting?

Generally, instructors are allowed to schedule asynchronous final exams or projects — like essays, presentations, or take-home exams — anytime.

If you believe the scheduling of your final exam is improper or burdensome, we encourage you to contact your Academic Advisor.

How do we know that reports will be taken seriously?

College Council has worked closely with the Office of Campus and Student Life and the Office of the Dean of Students in the College to set-up, confirm, and publicize this reporting procedure.

While you may not receive direct confirmation about a resolution from the administration, your instructor will likely email your entire class regarding the change to the final exam schedule if the report is successful.

If you need to check on the status of a report or believe that your report was handled improperly, complete the adjacent form. A College Council member will contact the proper administrators to check on your status.