Economics Department

Petition Option Available

Current Policy

Formal department policy remains unchanged - students generally may not P/F a class for the major. However, students may petition the department in consultation with their Academic Advisor. The department will consider petitions for exemptions to department policy - like P/F - for students in severe cases.

Policy Statement

Our undergraduate office [will use] the petition process to review their circumstances and provide relief when necessary. […] We have provided various forms of accommodations, on a case-by-case basis, so that students can complete the requirements of the major in a timely manner. In particular, […] lower income students and seniors, are likely to rely on this process disproportionately. We will pay particular attention to their circumstances. Students should reach out to academic advisers whenever unforeseen circumstances that affect their academic performance arise. We rely on the information academic advisers collect to assess the severity of the factors that affect students’ performance. For this reason, it is very important that students who find themselves in extremely difficult situations reach out to their academic advisers and keep them abreast of their situations.

Communication History

Final Decision: Monday, November 23rd at 11am CST

College Council received an email from Kotaro Yoshida (Co-Director of Undergraduate Studies) confirming that the Economics Department will consider petitions to grading policy for students in extreme cases.

College Council Reply with New P/F Policy Proposal: Sunday, November 22nd at 2pm CST

College Council replied to Kotaro Yoshida’s rejection email with a new proposal for a “P/F by petition” policy. This would allow students to formally petition for P/F credit to the economics major, instead of a blanket P/F or no P/F policy.

Initial P/F Policy Decision: Saturday, November 21st at 11:45pm CST

College Council received an email from Kotaro Yoshida (Co-Director of Undergraduate Studies) rejecting a proposal for an open opt-in P/F proposal.

However, Professor Yoshida noted the department’s commitment to working with students with concerns about their academic performance on a case-by-case basis.

Initial Communication: Friday, November 20th at 7am CST

College Council contacted Kotaro Yoshida (Co-Director of Undergraduate Studies), Victor Lima (Co-Director of Undergraduate Studies), and Julie Wong (Student Affairs Administrator).

Reason for P/F Rejection

The Economics Department feels it is unnecessary to change formal policy because exceptions - like a temporary P/F allowance - should be done on a case-by-case basis.

The Economics Department further stipulates that the adoption of a blanket P/F policy would harm the integrity of the major.

The University has entrusted us with preserving the integrity of our undergraduate major and all its tracks. We do not believe that completing requirements with (potentially) 6 P/F is in any student’s best interest. This outcome is one that will compromise the success of their professional careers.
— Kotaro Yoshida, Co-Director of Undergraduate Studies

Standard Policy

Courses cannot be taken P/F.

College Council